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August 2019

Deep Work: 9 Tips for Getting Ish Done

Whether you’re a student, a freelancer, or the owner of a company, we’re all out here struggling to get sh*t done, but we’re constantly distracted with emails, conference calls, meetings, and the temptation to scroll through Instagram or other social media platforms. As a CEO,...

20 Ways to Practice Self-Care

With so much going on in our lives—work, family, kids, bills, etc.—it can be incredibly easy to forget about taking care of ourselves in the madness of it all. And even if we do recognize that something needs to be done, we often don’t know...

Why I Take Forever to Hire

I’m super excited for Kayla, our new Event Coordinator from Seattle, to join the TGIN Marketing Team. When we hired her, she had just one week to get ready for Essence Fest, and she’s been running ever since. We’re so lucky to have her take this...

10 tips for working smarter, not harder

  In this day and age, it’s incredibly easy to get sucked into the “hustle” and “grind” mentality. People are praised for working a ridiculous amount of hours, ultimately sacrificing their own physical and emotional wellbeing for a paycheck. What if I told you that you...

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