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Pelvic Floor Therapy 101

Pelvic Floor Therapy 101

The pelvic floor is a very important and often overlooked part of a woman’s body. It houses and supports the bladder, bowels, rectum, and uterus, and experiencing discomfort in this area of your body can be frustrating to deal with. Not to mention, your pelvic floor is also deeply connected to the root chakra, and it’s where we, as women, tend to hold most of stress and anxiety.

The root chakra is the first of the chakras of matter, and it’s responsible for your feelings of safety and security on your earthly journey, so it’s no wonder that a blocked or imbalanced root chakra can cause issues of abandonment and stress. Bringing balance to your root chakra creates a solid foundation for the rest of the chakras above and will provide you with the physical, mental, and emotional stability you need to live a prosperous and fulfilled life.

My journey with pelvic floor therapy began after my OBGYN noticed some tightness in my pelvic floor during my gynecology appointment. After talking with me about the possible causes, from heavy lifting to straining or stress, she recommended I start pelvic floor therapy to address those minor issues before they became something more significant. She seemed confident in her recommendation and reassured me that I should begin to see results within two visits.

Pelvic floor therapy session is performed by a physical therapist who specializes in performing both internal and external pelvic examinations. At your pelvic floor therapy appointment, your physical therapist will use their hands to perform an external massage of your pelvic region, most likely near the vagina or rectum. When necessary, your therapist may recommend internal massages, but of course, they will only do what is most comfortable for you; it’s never a requirement. Pelvic floor therapy sessions are not as intense as they sound; the gentle massages will allow your tight muscles to slowly relax over time, which can help alleviate pelvic pain and instabilities, such as urinary incontinence, painful intercourse, and sexual dysfunction.

If you’re experiencing any discomfort or tightness in your pelvic area, please don’t suffer in silence. Make an appointment with your OBGYN and ask them about pelvic floor therapy; they may be able to refer you to a licensed physical therapist who would be glad to help you heal your root chakra and effectively tackle the imbalances you’re experiencing.

Have you done pelvic floor therapy? If so, what was your experience like?

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